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Large Shopping Centre on the Gold Coast

A large shopping centre on the Gold Coast with hundreds of tenants, experienced over 150 leaks after a storm came through and were being charged multiple times for the same issues.

Prior to initiating our tailor-made auditing system, the centre was using a plumbing company to manage its roofing needs. 

Despite previously investing in roof maintenance, the centre experienced 150 roof leaks following a severe storm. 

With the new Manager’s fresh approach, the centre adopted our auditing system, received the correct leak diagnosis, and proactively carried out repairs for the forecasted issues. As a result, the centre now experiences fewer roof leaks from their original roof area than the recently installed extension. 

Due to the transparency of our auditing system, they were also able to hold their preferred contractor accountable to quoted works and hence prevented paying multiple times for the same scope of work. 

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